Webinar replay

Deliver The Most Cost-Effective (and Easiest) Upgrade for Installed Design Envelope pumps

What You Will Learn

Webinar presented by Peter Wolff, Global Manager, Ecosystems and Performance Upgrades. We’ll discuss the benefits of upgrading installed (pre-2019) Design Envelope pumps to use the Design Envelope Pump Controller, along with a subscription to Pump Manager. It’s now five years since the launch of Pump Manager. With thousands of Design Envelope pumps connected, the lessons learned through Pump Manager and the practice of Active Performance Management continue to accumulate.  Peter will explain the upgrade process and show what connected customers can learn with a Pump Manager subscription.


 If you have questions you'd like addressed in the session, please send them in advance via email to info@armstrongfluidtechnology.com  


PDH certificates will be sent to all attendees