Smart Building Summit Presentation

Complete Presentation Slides

Download the full set of presentations delivered during our Smart Building Summit held in Toronto.

With the global drive towards sustainability and reduced energy consumption, it is critical that we take full advantage of the latest technologies and new approaches to significantly reduce our impact on the planet, while continuing to deliver safe, comfortable and productive environments for both our personal and professional lives. One of the key transitions enabled by new technologies is the move from traditional building management approaches, to Smart buildings and ultimately to Cognitive buildings, where the buildings respond to the environment and to the occupants to deliver what Armstrong calls Living Performance, bridging the human aspects with real-time management of the energy, financial and sustainable performance.


You will be introduced to Design Envelope as an industry-leading HVAC technology and learn how it can be applied to fluid flow systems for optimum energy efficiency.

Topics covered include:

  • Ingraining sustainability in the way we do business
  • Intelligent pumping system technology
  • Performance management in the connected world
  • The energy upgrade imperative